
Thursday, March 7, 2013

Devil's Food Chocolate Bunt Cake with Chocolate Espresso Ganache

I am honored & thrilled to have been featured on Yummly for the devil's food chocolate bunt cake (complete with chocolate espresso ganache) that I made for valentines day this year. Yummly is this cheeky genius child for foodies all over the world. Basically, people submit recipes & then they have the potential to get put into this massive collection of culinary delights. They are all about creating a digital kitchen, which is quite clever. Make sure that you head over to my post & the recipe at Yummly. You will absolutely adore this cake (unless you don't like chocolate, cake, or happiness).
Like I said in the blog post, I wanted to find a cake that was both decadent, yet simple enough to put together during a (potential) 2-hour nap time. Long gone are the days where I can slowly & thoughtfully put together something really complex.

I also wanted to use the new bundt pan I found at Goodwill. Until this cake, I had never made a bundt before. I have this deep-rooted fear of baked goods sticking to pans, & for some reason, bundt pans just seemed intimidating to me. After giving this one a good christening, I'm not sure what my problem was-- it was a cinch! And I chuckled silently to myself many times as I thought about this clip from one of my more favorite movies, "My Big Fat Greek Wedding." Oh, so funny those bundt cakes are.

In other exciting (to me & hopefully you) news, I'm working on a 4-5 blog post series on green cleaning & organizing because it's coming up on spring time, where a lot of people think about (& maybe even do) give their homes a good scrubbin'. I find it essential to live in an environment that is clean & organized so that I can create & I've learned that you really can do that very greenly, cheaply, & without devoting your whole life to cleaning (who wants to do that?) So come April, make sure you check out my posts on "creating clean."

Until then, make this cake.

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