
Saturday, February 9, 2013

Homemade Deodorant

No body likes stinky armpits. It's just not an experience most people like to be stuck in. No one says, "Yes! I get to sit next to the smelly person on the airplane!" or "Yahoo! I haven't showered in a week, but my pits smell incredible!" Well, maybe someone says that, but they are probably in denial.

Although I don't like smelling like eau de body odor, I'm also not OK with putting straight up chemicals on my body for vanity's sake. Have you ever taken a look at the toxic ingredients in the deodorant you put on your body every single day (sometimes several times)? I'm not trying to scare you, I'm just trying to be real here. I think there's a lot we could do to prevent all kinds of illnesses & diseases if we just take a step back & look at what we're consuming & putting on our bodies every day.

The reality is, we go to great lengths to not smell & sweat (which is pretty American by the way), although sweating is a natural process that the body uses to regulate temperature (& I'm sure there's other reasons, right?) I'm not a big fan of antiperspirant for this reason & I've come to terms with getting a little sweaty every now & then (OK most of the time). How hippy-ish of me, right?

I've used various natural deodorants on the market, & although I have enjoyed many of them (Kiss My Face & Burt's Bees are among my favs), they aren't cheap. I wanted to find a simple, yet effective recipe that I could whip up, still smell pleasantly natural, & maybe even save a few bucks in the process. Plus, I didn't want to have to search the depths of the internet for all the ingredients I would need.

I found the majority of the ingredients below at our local food co-op in the bulk section. I had a more challenging time finding calendula, but thankfully I was able to buy a massive bag through the buying co-op that I'm a part of, so I should be set for about 10 years of deodorant-making.
Homemade Deodorant
3 Tbsp dried chamomile
2 Tbsp dried calendula
5 Tbsp coconut oil
3 Tbsp sunflower oil (or other oil, like avocado, sweet almond, or apricot kernel)
1/4 c. + 2 Tbsp baking soda
1/4 c. + 2 Tbsp arrowroot powder
20 drops of essential oils of your choosing (I like a stronger scent, so I went with 30-40 drops)

In a small, sterilized jar, add chamomile & calendula & the coconut & sunflower oils (make sure your coconut oil is liquefied first). Shake well to mix. Store in a dark place for 2-3 weeks, shaking occasionally.

After 2-3 weeks of infusion, strain the oil from the flowers (again, heating up the oil slightly if it’s in a solid-ish state). I used a coffee filter to strain- you can even squeeze it once all the flowers are collected so that you have as much oil as possible.

In another sterilized jar, combine the infused oil with the dry ingredients (baking soda & arrowroot) & stir well. Add your essential oils drop-by-drop, stirring constantly. Store in your bathroom. This should keep for 3-4 months.

To use, gently scoop out a tiny bit (a little goes a long way!) & rub on your armpit. Enjoy this little moment you get to share together.

**UPDATE: It has now been 4 months since I made this recipe & I still love it. I am almost about to use up my first jar, so I would say that it lasts for 4-ish months. Now that it's summertime, I was a little curious to see if this deodorant was going to hold up in the stinky, sweaty humidity, but I have been pleasantly surprised! This isn't an anti-perserpant, so you will still sweat (which is good for you), but my pits stay smelling fresh & coconutty all day long! Be sure to take your time mixing it together when it liquifies so that you're not just using the oil on your pits & rub it in really well, because if you don't, you may end up with white deodorant-looking marks on dark clothing (it washes out easily though).

Recipe taken from Crunchy Betty


  1. I put mine in an old deodorant container so I can just apply it like store bought. Works pretty well but in the summer I have to keep it in the fridge or it liquefied.

    1. Good idea! I bet that feels awesome when it's a thousand degrees out, too!

    2. That's so great. I've been using Tom's but it doesn't last all day.

