
Saturday, December 22, 2012

Homemade Playdough

I've been trying to be a bit more intentional about actually doing fun toddler-specific activities lately with my little lady & it turns out that I (still) love doing projects like these, so it's win-win for the Haas household. One of the first projects that we tackled was making homemade playdough, which was way too simple to make.

I remember playing with playdough for hours as a child, even sneaking a chunk or two into my mouth because who could resist, right? Ew. I wanted to save Ruby from some of the grossness of store-bought playdough because I just assumed some would end up in her mouth. I'll shamelessly admit here that I actually tested a tiny bit of this recipe, you know, just to make sure it's safe for my kid & everything. I figured since it's made from all real food ingredients, that it can't be that bad, right? Maybe safer, but tasty? No way Jose.

Ruby wasn't super impressed. She has this thing with not liking to touch sticky or messy things (oh how I hope that changes), & she might still be a little young for a project like this, but we're gonna hold on to it for awhile so I, er, she can make an incredible sculpture soon.
Homemade Playdough
1 C Flour
1 C Water
1/4 C Salt
1 TBSP Vegetable oil
2 tsp Cream of tarter
Food coloring (actual coloring or a kool-aid packet will do) If you want to be extra cool you can add glitter. I'm so not ready for glitter.

Pour in all the ingredients in no particular order into a pot. Stir in until everything is mixed well. Once it's lump-free, turn on the heat to medium & stir constantly until it magically clumps together. Once it's clumped well, take it out & kneed it.

Recipe taken from AdelynStone

February 2013 update:
 I think she likes it now...

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